Second Patent Application Published

Second Patent Application Published

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Agtechs.Online Announces Second Patent Application in July 2023, Revolutionizing Indoor Agriculture with Advanced LED Programming Technology [Raleigh, NC August 4, 2023 Jim Ray] – Agtechs.Online, a leading innovator in the field of indoor...

Patent Continuation Filed on Light Control

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE We are pleased to announce that Patent Continuation-in-Part 18/295,261 was filed by Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch LLP for Jim Ray on April 3, 2023 titled “APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR A HYDROPONICS SYSTEM WITH...

New Web Site Launched

It is an exciting time for Agtechs.Online with our new web site, and approval on the patent for our hydroponics and lighting systems. Stay tuned for more details. Best regards,...